Qualifying Midyear Life Events

What is a qualifying event?

Qualifying midyear events are significant life changes that allow employees to adjust
their benefit elections outside of the annual open enrollment period.

Under section 125 cafeteria plan, the IRS recognizes these events, enabling employees to make necessary changes to their health plans or other employer-sponsored benefits. Employers don’t have to allow for all midyear election changes, only those allowed under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (or HIPAA) special enrollment rights.

Common Qualifying Events

Employees can add or remove a spouse from their benefit plans. 

New additions to the family allow employees to enroll their children in health plans or increase coverage. 

Coverage changes may be necessary following the loss of a dependent.

When a child reaches the age limit for dependent coverage or gains independent insurance, employees may need to update their plans.

A significant change in hours, role or employment status (e.g., moving from part-time to full-time) of an employee or their spouse can qualify for benefit adjustments. 

Employees losing coverage from another source (e.g., spouse’s plan) can enroll in or modify their benefits. 

Residence changes to a different zip code or county that impacts coverage options may qualify for changes.